Minute-Minute Early Universe
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As is known, the Big Bang or the big bang is an event that triggers the formation of the universe . But even so, the information will be what happens in the Big Bang nucleosynthesis era when the universe was only a few seconds to several minutes is not yet completely known.
So what should be done to find out what happened first? Obviously not possible if humans go back in time, but extrapolation of the laws of physics can bring men to retrace what is happening now until the time of the nukleosintesa. Searches can be continued even further into the past to give the composition and description of what actually happened in the early universe. But how far can berekstrapolasi toward the singularity is still a debate, but agreed the timing is not earlier than the Planck epoh or 10 -43 seconds.
Big Bang

When the universe dominated by matter and radiation, the gravitational attraction between the particles tends to slow the rate of expansion of the universe. Different things happen when the universe was smaller and meetings. At that time, the rate of development of the extent is limited. The point of this is called the singularity which refers to the Big Bang.
Big bang is the beginning point of the development process of the universe. About 13.7 billion years ago, part of the universe that can be seen in fact only a few millimeters and to get to the conditions now occur the development of hot and dense conditions of the universe are becoming broader and more cold.
The two main pillars that build the big bang model is the theory of relativity and Einstein's general principle of cosmology
In Einstein's theory proposed, stated that Newton's gravitational theory only works on stationary objects or objects that move very slowly compared to the speed of light.In the case of general relativity, gravity is no longer described as the gravitational field but as a curvature of space-time. Here there is a relationship between time and mass-mass-energy influence each other. Mass-energy distribution determines the shape and curvature of space-time curvature of space-time affect how mass-energy moves in it. Physicist John Wheeler describes very well when she said, "Matter tells spacetime how to curve and space-time tells matter how to move".
After the General Relativity was introduced, a number of scientists including Einstein, tried to apply this new gravitational dynamics on the universe as a whole.
At that time, to apply these dynamics requires assumptions about how matter is distributed in the universe. Simple assumption, if we look at the contents of the universe, then he would look the same everywhere and equal in every direction. In other words cosmological principle states that in a large scale, the universe is in a homogeneous and isotropy as well as observers are not in a privileged position in the universe. Homogeneous observers give meaning anywhere in the universe he would observe the same thing.While isotropy means that observers look in any direction he will see the same thing. Thus there is no special place in the universe. This model holds that the universe should be expanding in a finite period, starting from a state that is very hot and dense.
The era of Big Bang nucleosynthesis
The era of Big Bang nucleosynthesis begins one minute after the Big Bang when the universe cooled enough to form protons and neutrons after bariogenesis.
Nukleosintesa refers to the formation of heavy elements, nuclei with more protons and neutrons from light element fusion reactions. Big Bang theory provides predictions that the very early universe is a place of extraordinary heat. One second after the Big Bang, the temperature of the universe almost 10 billion degrees and filled by a sea of neutrons, protons, electrons, anti-electrons (positrons), photons and nutrino. As the universe cooled, the neutrons will decay into protons and electrons or protons joined to form deutrium (isotopes of hydrogen). At the time of 3 minutes early in the universe, deutrium combine to form helium. Also found traces of lithium that formed during this period.Perisitiwa lasted about 17 minutes, until the temperature of the universe decreased such that there is not enough energy that allows these events to continue to happen. Well, the process of formation of light elements in the early universe is called the Big Bang Nukleosintesa.
Another feature of the universe which is also unusual is regularity - in this case a uniform distribution of galaxies and large-scale microwave background shows strong evidence that the material distributed more regularly in the early period. Uniformity is not uncommon for a small deviation tends to grow over time as a very dense area collapse to form stars and galaxies. But that limited the speed of light it gives another surprise.
CMB (cosmic microwave background / cosmic microwave background), shows the way the universe after 370 000 years after the Big Bang. And after the observed CMB parts separately, it appears also a separate area of the universe more than 370,000 light years. In other words, time is not enough for the signal to move from one area to another. The question is how to separate these areas know that they must have the same temperature? How do they communicate?This is called the horizon problem.
Horison simply be referred to as the limit of looking at something that can be observed and that has not been observed. The universe has a limited age (13.7 billion years) so that observers could see only a limited distance in space that is 13.7 billion years old. Big Bang model does not provide a picture area in space that are beyond the horizon of the observer, who may have different time space.
Horizon problem has a solution that is quite popular and accepted. The idea is called inflation. Imagine if in the beginning, the universe must pass through periods in which a moment he was dominated by a large amount of dark energy , which then abruptly decays into matter and radiation. The increase of this dark energy causes the universe is accelerating at a rate that will be fantastic and expand exponentially in a short time. Even a blink matapun slower than the inflation of the universe. Inflation occurs in less than 1 second from 10 -36 - 10 -32 seconds.As a result of points in the universe that had been adjacent, separated by fast. So areas that are far apart and observed in the CMB is actually neighborly and mutual contacts in the early days.
Inflation is needed to solve the problem of curvature of the universe and the horizon problem. With inflation, the horizon of the universe can be enlarged up to the circumstances in which the particles are within the horizon and could slaing berkomunkiasi. In addition to the expansion of the universe suddenly (exponential) then after the universe underwent inflation, after that it will expand to follow the standard model and could eventually reach the state today. Without inflation the evolution of the universe may have reached the end (great destruction to a closed universe) or a condition in which the temperature of the universe to reach the temperature of 3 K happened long before now.
But that is still the question is, to date there is no specific model of inflation. In other words, is not known what kind of dark energy that dominates in the early universe or how dark energy is transformed into matter and radiation.Inflation has become the answer to some questions but still curious about the origin of the universe or what triggered the inflation still continues to exist and became a PR for cosmologists to answer it.
So what should be done to find out what happened first? Obviously not possible if humans go back in time, but extrapolation of the laws of physics can bring men to retrace what is happening now until the time of the nukleosintesa. Searches can be continued even further into the past to give the composition and description of what actually happened in the early universe. But how far can berekstrapolasi toward the singularity is still a debate, but agreed the timing is not earlier than the Planck epoh or 10 -43 seconds.
Big Bang

Illustration at the big bang or the big bang happened. credit:Particle Physics Laboratory, Annecy-le-Vieux, France
Big bang is the beginning point of the development process of the universe. About 13.7 billion years ago, part of the universe that can be seen in fact only a few millimeters and to get to the conditions now occur the development of hot and dense conditions of the universe are becoming broader and more cold.
The two main pillars that build the big bang model is the theory of relativity and Einstein's general principle of cosmology
In Einstein's theory proposed, stated that Newton's gravitational theory only works on stationary objects or objects that move very slowly compared to the speed of light.In the case of general relativity, gravity is no longer described as the gravitational field but as a curvature of space-time. Here there is a relationship between time and mass-mass-energy influence each other. Mass-energy distribution determines the shape and curvature of space-time curvature of space-time affect how mass-energy moves in it. Physicist John Wheeler describes very well when she said, "Matter tells spacetime how to curve and space-time tells matter how to move".
After the General Relativity was introduced, a number of scientists including Einstein, tried to apply this new gravitational dynamics on the universe as a whole.
At that time, to apply these dynamics requires assumptions about how matter is distributed in the universe. Simple assumption, if we look at the contents of the universe, then he would look the same everywhere and equal in every direction. In other words cosmological principle states that in a large scale, the universe is in a homogeneous and isotropy as well as observers are not in a privileged position in the universe. Homogeneous observers give meaning anywhere in the universe he would observe the same thing.While isotropy means that observers look in any direction he will see the same thing. Thus there is no special place in the universe. This model holds that the universe should be expanding in a finite period, starting from a state that is very hot and dense.
The era of Big Bang nucleosynthesis
The era of Big Bang nucleosynthesis begins one minute after the Big Bang when the universe cooled enough to form protons and neutrons after bariogenesis.
Nukleosintesa refers to the formation of heavy elements, nuclei with more protons and neutrons from light element fusion reactions. Big Bang theory provides predictions that the very early universe is a place of extraordinary heat. One second after the Big Bang, the temperature of the universe almost 10 billion degrees and filled by a sea of neutrons, protons, electrons, anti-electrons (positrons), photons and nutrino. As the universe cooled, the neutrons will decay into protons and electrons or protons joined to form deutrium (isotopes of hydrogen). At the time of 3 minutes early in the universe, deutrium combine to form helium. Also found traces of lithium that formed during this period.Perisitiwa lasted about 17 minutes, until the temperature of the universe decreased such that there is not enough energy that allows these events to continue to happen. Well, the process of formation of light elements in the early universe is called the Big Bang Nukleosintesa.
Another feature of the universe which is also unusual is regularity - in this case a uniform distribution of galaxies and large-scale microwave background shows strong evidence that the material distributed more regularly in the early period. Uniformity is not uncommon for a small deviation tends to grow over time as a very dense area collapse to form stars and galaxies. But that limited the speed of light it gives another surprise.
CMB (cosmic microwave background / cosmic microwave background), shows the way the universe after 370 000 years after the Big Bang. And after the observed CMB parts separately, it appears also a separate area of the universe more than 370,000 light years. In other words, time is not enough for the signal to move from one area to another. The question is how to separate these areas know that they must have the same temperature? How do they communicate?This is called the horizon problem.
Horison simply be referred to as the limit of looking at something that can be observed and that has not been observed. The universe has a limited age (13.7 billion years) so that observers could see only a limited distance in space that is 13.7 billion years old. Big Bang model does not provide a picture area in space that are beyond the horizon of the observer, who may have different time space.
Horizon problem has a solution that is quite popular and accepted. The idea is called inflation. Imagine if in the beginning, the universe must pass through periods in which a moment he was dominated by a large amount of dark energy , which then abruptly decays into matter and radiation. The increase of this dark energy causes the universe is accelerating at a rate that will be fantastic and expand exponentially in a short time. Even a blink matapun slower than the inflation of the universe. Inflation occurs in less than 1 second from 10 -36 - 10 -32 seconds.As a result of points in the universe that had been adjacent, separated by fast. So areas that are far apart and observed in the CMB is actually neighborly and mutual contacts in the early days.
Inflation is needed to solve the problem of curvature of the universe and the horizon problem. With inflation, the horizon of the universe can be enlarged up to the circumstances in which the particles are within the horizon and could slaing berkomunkiasi. In addition to the expansion of the universe suddenly (exponential) then after the universe underwent inflation, after that it will expand to follow the standard model and could eventually reach the state today. Without inflation the evolution of the universe may have reached the end (great destruction to a closed universe) or a condition in which the temperature of the universe to reach the temperature of 3 K happened long before now.
But that is still the question is, to date there is no specific model of inflation. In other words, is not known what kind of dark energy that dominates in the early universe or how dark energy is transformed into matter and radiation.Inflation has become the answer to some questions but still curious about the origin of the universe or what triggered the inflation still continues to exist and became a PR for cosmologists to answer it.

This post was written by: Franklin Manuel
Franklin Manuel is a professional blogger, web designer and front end web developer. Follow him on Twitter