10 Wonders of which are caused by natural
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Here are the wonders of nature that was incredible. Caused by natural events that form a very charming place and no human could possibly match it. It was nice to visit there if it can. This in-picture

1. The Wave, Arizona
The Wave is a stunning wavy red rock located on the border of Arizona and Utah, United States, and said to have originated from sand dunes 190 million-year-old who later turned into a rock. LA Times Photographer Spencer Weiner capture the exotic places that are less known this. This location is only accessible by foot as far as 3 miles. If you have the opportunity to visit the land of Uncle Sam, it's good to stop by this location and you will feel like being in another world

2. Antelope Canyon, Arizona
Antelope canyon (English: Antelope Canyon) is a famous gorge located in Page, Coconino County, Arizona, United States.
This canyon area into the complex Navajo Indian Reservation, the area's largest shelter for Dine Indians from North America, also called Navaho or Navajo.Antelope Canyon rocks formed by erosion of Navajo Sand, primarily due to flash floods and later because of sub-aerial processes. Precipitation, especially during monsoon season, flows into the basin extends over the canyon gap, which grow fast and reproduce the sand when it eroded into the narrow pathway. Last flood occurred on October 30, 2006, which lasted for 36 hours, and caused authorities to close Ethnic Park Lower Antelope Canyon for several months.
For tourism, this place is popular as a place of interest to photographers and washing the eyes; this section is divided into two, namely Upper Antelope Canyon (The krack); and Lower Antelope Canyon (The Corkscrew).

3. Great Blue Hole, Belize
The term Black Hole -'lubang 'or gavitasi field a very strong but invisible to the naked eye - maybe you've heard. And what about the Blue Hole, never heard too? In contrast with non-black holes could be seen, the Blue Hole actually looks real, especially from a height, because it is at sea nanbiru.
Great Blue Hole by National Geographic, found in the sea of Belize - a small country on the eastern coast of Central America,. Formerly known as British Honduras until 1973, Belize is a former British colony for more than a century. The name 'Belize' taken from the Belize River --- has a depth of 480 feet or 146 meters.

4. Crystal Cave of the Giants, Mexico
Found deep in the mine in southern Chihuahua Mexico, these crystals are formed in a natural cave that is restricted entirely to the bedrock. You can find the crystals are very long, up to a tall pine tree and, in some circumstances, can have silver and gold translucent colors with a variety of forms. 'The Crystal Cave of the Giants' body was found in limestones that contain silver-zinc-lead, exploited by the mine and also the possibility hidrothermal dissolved by the fluid containing the metal and gypsum mengkritalisasi during the shrinkage during mineralization.

5. Eye of the Sahara, Mauritania
Being in the Saharan desert southwest. 30 miles in diameter, so clearly visible from space. The round shape is still a misteri.coba into google earth and type in 'Mauritania', would immediately plasticity Eye of the Sahara this!
This is an amazing natural event, a blue lake inside a cave in Brazil. Dipuler as 'Gruta do Lago Azul' (Blue Lake Cave), very unusual and occurs naturally with the interior of stalactite, stalagmite which adorn the blue lake. Like the sea that is blue indicating its depth, so is this lake. It's just how deep the lake is blue, not explained
Shaped like a house connection poles, roughly about 40,000 of. Located on the northeast coast of Northern Ireland. Perhaps, this condition occurs because of volcanic eruptions thousands of years ago. Uniquely, the 'connection pole' has a variety of angles, there is an angular six, four, five, seven and even eight. Its size also varied, the highest about 12 meters. Well-organized to form a small hill as high as 28 meters. In 2005, this place is in a position to-4 the most amazing places in Britain, based on the results of polling conducted against the listener's Radio Times.
Also called a gate or door of hell in the world. Its location in Uzbekistan, in a small town Darvaz. The hole was discovered by the geologist during drilling in the area, 35 years ago. As they drill deeper and deeper, found in underground caves are amazing. But they did not dare go down there because there are high concentrations of toxic gas that they lit a fire for no more poison gas run out, but since then, the fire never goes out, continue to burn until now. It seems this hole is a source of never-ending gas. No one can predict how much gas there.

9. Wave Rock, Australia
Not only is Arizona that has a bumpy rocks, but Australia had to have it. precisely located in western Australia. Unique shape like ocean waves spread out in a very broad ground. High around 15 meters with a length of 110 meters.
10. Chocolate Hills, Philippines
Chocolate hills is very unique shape, lies spread. There are approximately 1268 brown cone-shaped hill, lies precisely in Bohol, Philippines.
There are several hypotheses about the formation of thousands of these conical hill, there is a call made by limestone hills, volcanic eruptions, etc.. Latest theory says, volcanic eruptions in ancient times that cause damage to the surrounding areas. The volcano was spewing huge stone stone which is then covered with limestone rocks.

This post was written by: Franklin Manuel
Franklin Manuel is a professional blogger, web designer and front end web developer. Follow him on Twitter