10 Women Inventors

1. Marie Curie
He is well-known female scientist, specializing in fields such as chemistry and physics. Ilmuwati is known as the inventor of radioactive polonium and radium elements and as the first person to win a Nobel prize.
2. Nesmith Bette Graham
He found a liquid paper, originally called the "Mistake out", a substance used to cover up mistakes made on paper.
3. Mary Anderson
He found the device to clean car windows, now known as the windscreen wipers.
4. Stephanie Kwolek
He is an inventor and scientist, mother of Kevlar synthetic fibers such as steel used in radial tires, safety helmets, and bulletproof vests.
5. Grace Murray Hopper
He broke through the field the majority of male-dominated thing daam Programming. He is the inventor of the COBOL programming language.
6. Ruth Wakefield
He found a way to make chocolate chip cookies.
7. Lillian Moller Gilbreth
She is the queen of ergonomics. We can be grateful for the trash can with foot pedal, electric food mixer, shelves in refrigerator and other kitchen improvements.
8. Martha Coston
He invented a pyrotechnic signaling system, now known as maritime signal flares.
9. Ruth Handler
He is the inventor of the Barbie doll. This doll was intended to be a teenage fashion doll.
10. Josephine Cochran
He is the inventor Dishwasher, after he said: "If there are others that will create the dishwasher, I'll do it myself". And incredibly, he managed to create it.